System messages
This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
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Name | Default message text |
Current message text | |
createaccount-text (Talk) | Someone created an account for your email address on {{SITENAME}} ($4) named "$2", with password "$3". You should log in and change your password now. You may ignore this message, if this account was created in error. |
createaccount-title (Talk) | Account creation for {{SITENAME}} |
createaccountblock (Talk) | account creation disabled |
createaccounterror (Talk) | Could not create account: $1 |
createaccountmail (Talk) | Use a temporary random password and send it to the specified email address |
createaccountreason (Talk) | Reason: |
createacct-another-email-ph (Talk) | Enter email address |
createacct-another-join (Talk) | Enter the new account's information below. |
createacct-another-realname-tip (Talk) | Real name is optional. If you choose to provide it, this will be used for giving the user attribution for their work. |
createacct-another-submit (Talk) | Create another account |
createacct-another-username-ph (Talk) | Enter the username |
createacct-benefit-body1 (Talk) | {{PLURAL:$1|edit|edits}} |
createacct-benefit-body2 (Talk) | {{PLURAL:$1|page|pages}} |
createacct-benefit-body3 (Talk) | recent {{PLURAL:$1|contributor|contributors}} |
createacct-benefit-head1 (Talk) | {{NUMBEROFEDITS}} |
createacct-benefit-head2 (Talk) | {{NUMBEROFARTICLES}} |
createacct-benefit-head3 (Talk) | {{NUMBEROFACTIVEUSERS}} |
createacct-benefit-heading (Talk) | {{SITENAME}} is made by people like you. |
createacct-benefit-icon1 (Talk) | icon-edits |
createacct-benefit-icon2 (Talk) | icon-pages |
createacct-benefit-icon3 (Talk) | icon-contributors |
createacct-captcha (Talk) | Security check |
createacct-email-ph (Talk) | Enter your email address |
createacct-emailoptional (Talk) | Email address (optional) |
createacct-emailrequired (Talk) | Email address |
createacct-error (Talk) | Account creation error |
createacct-helpusername (Talk) | |
createacct-imgcaptcha-help (Talk) | |
createacct-imgcaptcha-ph (Talk) | Enter the text you see above |
createacct-join (Talk) | Enter your information below. |
createacct-realname (Talk) | Real name (optional) |
createacct-reason (Talk) | Reason |
createacct-reason-ph (Talk) | Why you are creating another account |
createacct-submit (Talk) | Create your account |
createacct-yourpassword-ph (Talk) | Enter a password |
createacct-yourpasswordagain (Talk) | Confirm password |
createacct-yourpasswordagain-ph (Talk) | Enter password again |
created (Talk) | created |
creating (Talk) | Creating $1 |
creditspage (Talk) | Page credits |
cur (Talk) | cur |
currentevents (Talk) | Current events |
currentevents-url (Talk) | Project:Current events |
currentrev (Talk) | Latest revision |
currentrev-asof (Talk) | Latest revision as of $1 |
currentrevisionlink (Talk) | Latest revision |
customcssprotected (Talk) | You do not have permission to edit this CSS page because it contains another user's personal settings. |
customjsprotected (Talk) | You do not have permission to edit this JavaScript page because it contains another user's personal settings. |
databaseerror (Talk) | Database error |
databaseerror-error (Talk) | Error: $1 |
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