System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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createaccount-text (Talk) Someone created an account for your email address on {{SITENAME}} ($4) named "$2", with password "$3". You should log in and change your password now. You may ignore this message, if this account was created in error.
createaccount-title (Talk) Account creation for {{SITENAME}}
createaccountblock (Talk) account creation disabled
createaccounterror (Talk) Could not create account: $1
createaccountmail (Talk) Use a temporary random password and send it to the specified email address
createaccountreason (Talk) Reason:
createacct-another-email-ph (Talk) Enter email address
createacct-another-join (Talk) Enter the new account's information below.
createacct-another-realname-tip (Talk) Real name is optional. If you choose to provide it, this will be used for giving the user attribution for their work.
createacct-another-submit (Talk) Create another account
createacct-another-username-ph (Talk) Enter the username
createacct-benefit-body1 (Talk) {{PLURAL:$1|edit|edits}}
createacct-benefit-body2 (Talk) {{PLURAL:$1|page|pages}}
createacct-benefit-body3 (Talk) recent {{PLURAL:$1|contributor|contributors}}
createacct-benefit-head1 (Talk) {{NUMBEROFEDITS}}
createacct-benefit-head2 (Talk) {{NUMBEROFARTICLES}}
createacct-benefit-head3 (Talk) {{NUMBEROFACTIVEUSERS}}
createacct-benefit-heading (Talk) {{SITENAME}} is made by people like you.
createacct-benefit-icon1 (Talk) icon-edits
createacct-benefit-icon2 (Talk) icon-pages
createacct-benefit-icon3 (Talk) icon-contributors
createacct-captcha (Talk) Security check
createacct-email-ph (Talk) Enter your email address
createacct-emailoptional (Talk) Email address (optional)
createacct-emailrequired (Talk) Email address
createacct-error (Talk) Account creation error
createacct-helpusername (Talk)  
createacct-imgcaptcha-help (Talk)  
createacct-imgcaptcha-ph (Talk) Enter the text you see above
createacct-join (Talk) Enter your information below.
createacct-realname (Talk) Real name (optional)
createacct-reason (Talk) Reason
createacct-reason-ph (Talk) Why you are creating another account
createacct-submit (Talk) Create your account
createacct-yourpassword-ph (Talk) Enter a password
createacct-yourpasswordagain (Talk) Confirm password
createacct-yourpasswordagain-ph (Talk) Enter password again
created (Talk) created
creating (Talk) Creating $1
creditspage (Talk) Page credits
cur (Talk) cur
currentevents (Talk) Current events
currentevents-url (Talk) Project:Current events
currentrev (Talk) Latest revision
currentrev-asof (Talk) Latest revision as of $1
customcssprotected (Talk) You do not have permission to edit this CSS page because it contains another user's personal settings.
customjsprotected (Talk) You do not have permission to edit this JavaScript page because it contains another user's personal settings.
databaseerror (Talk) Database error
databaseerror-error (Talk) Error: $1
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