Explore the functions, evolution and diversity of protein phosphatases, the key regulators of cell behavior. This includes our database, wiki, tools, publications and supporting materials.

Gene Symbol Word Cloud


The database PhosphoBase holds information on over 1,200 protein phosphatase genes found in the genomes of human, and many other sequenced genomes. You may search the database by a variety of different gene names and accessions, or according to the sequence based classification. PhosphoBase can also be searched by BLAST.


Phosphatase Wiki, is a resource for of phosphatases and phosphatase signaling. This is a pilot project for sharing and publication of discoveries that do not fit into traditional publications or haven't yet been polished for publication.


April 2017
Protein phosphatome paper was published.
Feb 2015
For human phosphatases, add links to Genotype-Tissue Expression project (GTEx).
May 2014
Browse the database by species and classification.
April 2014
Launch new web interface. Phosphatase scanner and classifier are available.
June 2013
Open Phosphatase wiki to public.
June 2012
Launch website.


  • Evolution