HMM PD0145
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Symbol: SAC9_CTD1
Name: SAC9, C-Terminal Domain 1
Why built the HMM?
We noticed Ddis051 has a tail not similar to other SACs in the nine genomes.
How the HMM is built
We then PSI-BLASTed the tail (from the C-terminal of Sac_PD to the C-terminal of the full sequence) against Swiss-Prot. Because there were very few hits, we then PSI-BLASTed the same region against Ref-Seq. We downloaded the sequences, removed redundant sequences (at threshold 70% identity), aligned the sequences and manually adjusted the alignments. We found there were actually two conserved regions, which we named SAC_CTD1 and SAC_CTD2, respectively. We built two HMMs for each of the two regions.