Phosphatase GeneID AqueP190
The entry is obsolete, because it is mapped to the same chromosomal locus with AqueP189. By BLASTing the protein sequences from
Subject name Subject description Gene hit Genomic Location Orientation Length Score E-val %ID
PAC:15727266 Aqu1.228738 Contig13516:147880-150438 [Sequence] Forward 452 [Sequence] 2363 0.0 100.0 [Alignment]
PAC:15727267 Aqu1.228739 Contig13516:147880-150411 [Sequence] Forward 443 [Sequence] 2324 0.0 100.0 [Alignment]
The two transcripts PAC:15727266 and PAC:15727267 are identical, except the exon 17.
Exon 16 PAC:15727266-E16 150,241 150,303 1 1 63 Exon 17 PAC:15727266-E17 150,347 150,834 1 - 488
Exon 17: PAC:15727267-E17 150,347 150,411 1 0 65 Exon 18: PAC:15727267-E18 150,634 150,833
Our gene model is longer than both genes, which a longer C terminal.