Phosphatase Subfamily PPM1E
From PhosphataseWiki
Phosphatase Classification: Superfamily PPM (PP2C): Family PPM (PP2C): Subfamily PPM1E
PPM1E/F named after two human PPMs, PPM1E (also known as POXP1, PP2CH, caMKN, CaMKP-N) and PPM1F (also known as POXP2, CAMKP, FEM-2, hFEM-2, CaMKPase). The subfamily has a single copy in most non-vertebrates from Monosiga to ciona, and duplicated when vertebrates emerged. Both PPM1E and PPM1F dephosphorylate kinases CaMK2g and PAK, and PPM1E can also dephosphorylate CaMK4 (of different families from CaMK2g).