Phosphatase Subfamily cf60
From PhosphataseWiki
Phosphatase Classification: Fold HP: Superfamily HP (histidine phosphatase): Family HP, branch 2 (HP2): Subfamily cf60
Cf60 is cellular slime mold specific.
Cf60 is found in in many amoebozoa, as well as a few scattered additional eukaryotes including Capsaspora owczarzaki, Amphimedon queenslandica, and Nematostella vectensis.
Cf60 has single domain, a HP2 phosphatase domain. It also has a signal peptide cleavage site.
Catalytic activity and functions
Cf60 is a component of a secreted 450-kDa complex of proteins called counting factor (CF), through which Dictyostelium discoideum cells sense and regulate the size of groups and fruiting bodies using. Recombinant CF60 does not have acid phosphatase activity [1].